Becoming member
Domaine Impérial Golf Club is a private club access to which is reserved primarily for its members. To become a member, you must first be presented to the Admissions Committee of Domaine Impérial Golf Club by two members who have been shareholders for at least two years of the SA of Domaine Imperial (SA-DI). The detailed procedure for becoming a member of the Domaine Impérial Golf Club Association will be provided by your sponsors. Once the Committee has given a positive ruling on an admission, the prospective member may acquire a share of SA-DI from a list of sellers presented by one of the two reference members. In any event, any purchase transaction is subject to prior acceptance of the candidate by the Admissions Committee.

There are other possibilities enabling the access to the club’s installations. For example, one can adopt the statute of temporary member by renting or benefitting from the right to play linked to a share for a limited duration.
You can request this information at the following email address :